NGV Journal is dedicated to providing comprehensive news, insights, and analyses about natural gas vehicles and related environmental topics. Our commitment is to ensure high standards of journalistic integrity and accuracy in all our publications.
Our Standards
- Accuracy and Fairness: We strive to report information accurately and fairly. Our journalists and contributors are required to fact-check their content and seek out multiple sources to verify information.
- Editorial Independence: Our editorial content is produced independently and free from influence by our funders, advertisers, or other external entities. We maintain a clear separation between editorial content and sponsored content, which will always be clearly labeled.
- Transparency: When errors occur, we are committed to correcting them promptly and transparently, providing our readers with accurate and reliable information.
- Diversity of Voices: We aim to present a range of viewpoints in our stories. Our editorial team actively seeks to include diverse perspectives, especially from underrepresented groups within the field of environmental technologies.
Content Creation Process
- Research and Fact-Checking: Every piece of content undergoes a rigorous fact-checking process to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date.
- Peer Review: Relevant experts within the field review articles to ensure accuracy and completeness.
- Editing: All content is reviewed for clarity, grammar, style, and adherence to our editorial guidelines.
- Publication: After final approvals, articles are published and made available to our readers.
Ethical Guidelines
- Conflict of Interest: All contributors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. Any relationships or affiliations that might influence the content must be disclosed to ensure transparency.
- Source Confidentiality: We protect the confidentiality of our sources and respect their rights to privacy.
- Intellectual Property: We respect copyright laws and give appropriate credits for all third-party content reproduced or cited in our work.
- Reader Feedback: We welcome and encourage feedback from our readers. Comments, complaints, and suggestions can be sent to our editorial team via our contact page.
- Handling Complaints: In case of any complaints, they will be addressed promptly by our editorial team. A clear procedure for escalating and resolving complaints is established to maintain trust and integrity.
Contact Information
For further information, questions, or feedback regarding our editorial policies, please contact:
- Email:
This policy will be reviewed annually to adapt to new ethical standards and practices in journalism. By adhering to these principles, NGV Journal aims to foster trust and credibility with its audience and uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity.